Exile in Ireland - Uyghurs Speak Out Against Transnational Repression

In mid-February, the communities of Uyghurs and Hong Kongers living in Ireland wrote an open letter to the Taoiseach Micheál Martin and Tánaiste Simon Harris highlighting concerns for their safety and drawing urgent attention to the pattern of Chinese state surveillance and harassment of members of their diaspora communities.

The letter was written in advance of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to Ireland and requested the Irish Government to adopt a human-rights-based approach in their discussions with Chinese officials, as well as demanding concrete actions with respect to acts of transnational repression, genocide and politically motivated imprisonment perpetrated by the People's Republic of China (PRC).

We spoke to Nuria Zyden, the Director of the Irish Uyghur Cultural Association (Instagram @irishuyghurca) about the Uyghur community in Ireland, the pain and longing of being separated from family and what lies behind her community's concerns for their safety which she outlined in the recent letter to the Irish Government.

Date of Recording: February 24th, 2025.

A group of Irish Uyghurs wave flags and banners to draw attention to the plight of the Uyghur people during China's Foreign Minister's visit to Dublin on February 17th, 2025.
Irish Uyghurs protest during the visit of China's Foreign Minister, Wang Yi to Dublin on February 17th, 2025.


Additional information on the topics discussed in this episode:

  • Open Letter to the Irish Government on the Occasion of the Chinese Foreign Minister's visit on 17th February, 2025 - link

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Thumbnail Photo Credit: Irish Uyghur Cultural Association Instagram 

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